360°, Enjoy Every Degree

KOL Social Content, Video Art Direction, Video Production

Celebrity Social Video

The Challenge

Bose was launching a new speaker product called the Soundlink Revolve+. It has the unique ability to deliver 360 degrees surround sound in a small space. We needed to demonstrate the product attributes through a unique and compelling activation campaign. 

The Solution

Bose worked with Universal Music and 3 musical Artist in their roster. We collaborated to create social content focused on the Artist inspiration, their experiences and some of the challenges they faced. We tailored made the storyline for each of the 3 Artist under the tagline of Enjoy Every Degree “玩转360度,尽享每一度”. 

We encouraged the musicians to be authentic, be honest and be true to themselves. We shot 3 videos in an efficient production schedule in Mainland China, HK and Taiwan. We edited the videos to create multiple social content pieces that were then distributed on social media for 3 unique Chinese markets and audiences. 

KOL Social Video

KOL Social Video

Social Photo Gallery